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Tilmeld dig vores vægttabsudfordring!

Weight Management and Fitness go together and we recommend 20% exercise 80% nutrition and 100% mindset. Of these mindset is the most important at the beginning and to get your mind in the right space you need to set goals. To do this we will help you and we request you pre-register so we can talk about the programme and your goals. We will be helping to stick with it during the 6 weeks. It will be fun so bring along a friend and make your 6 week experience a life changing expeience

register now by scrolling down to find the latest challenge and entering your details

Tabe sig, bliv informeret og have det sjovt
VTU mødesteder

Der er i øjeblikket ingen udfordringer. Tjek venligst senere.

Husk mig
Ikke en deltager? Tilmeld dig nu!
Mød din Coach
Doria Johnson


"I'm so excited to be helping others reach their wellness goals! Contact me for more information or to get started reaching your goals."
Sheila vandt 740,- kr og tabte 15 kilo!

These results are not typical; individual results will vary.
Hele mit liv har ændret sig. Jeg kan bare ikke tro det. Jeg var så overvægtig at jeg ikke kunne dyrke nogen former for sport og min energi var meget lavt. Nu har jeg det bedre end jeg har haft det de sidste 20 år!
Wanted_image1 Wanted_image1 Wanted_image1

Muligheden er ENESTÅENDE! Vi søger at uddanne andre til at hjælpe med at køre Vægttabsudfordringer over hele landet. Lær mere.