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¡Historias de Éxito de Nuestros Participantes!

These are people just like you! Many of them have struggled with their weight for years. What makes a Weight Loss Challenge so effective?

A local WLC helps keep your accountable. It helps you change unhealthy lifestyle habits slowly... one week at a time, using a proven system.

A WLC is more FUN than you ever thought losing weight could be! What do you have to lose? Nothing but unwanted pounds!

¡Un programa para adelgazar que está cambiando vidas!
Pierde peso, aprende más, y disfrútalo.


¡Maravillosa! ¡916 Libras perdidas! Estos participantes bajaron de peso con la ayuda del Reto local.

People who use Herbalife Formula 1, twice a day as part of a healthy lifestyle, can generally expect to lose around half a pound to 1 pound per week.
Más Testimonios
¡Sí, se puede!
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People who use Herbalife Formula 1, twice a day as part of a healthy lifestyle, can generally expect to lose around half a pound to 1 pound per week.
Erin C has lost over 120 lbs and still dropping! She is down down from a top weight of 300 lbs. As a result of using our Ultimate nutrition program and one on one Personal Wellness coaching she is down to size 8!
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People who use Herbalife Formula 1, twice a day as part of a healthy lifestyle, can generally expect to lose around half a pound to 1 pound per week.
Michelle from Alberta lost 164 lbs and lost 132 inches. Her BMI dropped 27 points.
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People who use Herbalife Formula 1, twice a day as part of a healthy lifestyle, can generally expect to lose around half a pound to 1 pound per week.
Ray of Lethbridge lost 50 lbs and has kept it off.
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Christine McEvoy

"I'm so excited to be helping others reach their wellness goals! Contact me for more information or to get started reaching your goals."
Oportunidad de Empresa

Esta oportunidad es RED HOT! Estamos tratando de entrenar a otros para ayudar a ejecutar de WLC en todo el país. Aprende más.