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Participe do nosso Desafio de Perda de Peso!

6 Week WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE - North America's Best weight loss system in Edmonton with various locations & classes. Large prize pool!1 in 4 chance to win -Six week clinically designed Course developed by UCLA medical advisory board ($149 value)-How to Maximize your metabolism with 12 proven modules, body analysis, and 30 minute Wellness Evaluation($49 value)-Includes Nutritional Accelerator Pack to cut cravings, boost energy while jump starting your Metabolism($79 value )-12 twice weekly personal coaching sessions to provide on going motivational boost($99 value).-PLUS optional 6 boot camp sessions to melt off the pounds quicker!($89 value)-Each week receive module handouts that teach you a new set of fundamentals that lead to maximum body fat loss while getting a lean toned figure for Spring Confidential weigh in, analysis and results tracker. Typical participants results average 8-24lbs in just 6 weeks!
TOTAL VALUE over $449.00!!Contact Us for New March Spring Schedule, Coupon Validation & details 780-966-0185

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Locais de Reunião de WLC - Edmonton Área

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Perda de Peso Que Realmente Funciona!
Perca peso, instrua-se e divirta-sen

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Conheça Seu Treinador
Karla McEwen


"I'm so excited to be helping others reach their wellness goals! Contact me for more information or to get started reaching your goals."
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People who use Herbalife Formula 1, twice a day as part of a healthy lifestyle, can generally expect to lose around half a pound to 1 pound per week.
Erin C has lost over 120 lbs and still dropping! She is down down from a top weight of 300 lbs. As a result of using our Ultimate nutrition program and one on one Personal Wellness coaching she is down to size 8!
Oportunidade de Negócio
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Esta oportunidade é QUENTE! Nós estamos tentando treinar outros para nos ajudarem a gerir os WLC pelo país a fora. Saiba Mais.